This site has been created by a group of macrobiotic teachers to be able to share a common platform for expressing macrobiotics. We have no other legal or financial connection between us. Each member is responsible for his or her posts and information. We do not offer any kind of complaints procedure, regulation or ability to help if a dispute arises.
Any information, services or claims made on this site are solely within the context of macrobiotic education, philosophy, principles and cooking. If you need any kind of medical advice we recommend you seek advice from a qualified medical doctor.
Any financial interaction that occurs with members of this site is solely between you and that member, and has no connection with any other member of the group.
When using any of the services listed here we recommend you make sure you are clear about how much you are paying and what you are getting. This guide is a useful reminder.
- Make sure you have a written record of the fees you will pay and a description what is included.
- Be clear on what form of ongoing support you are entitled to.
- Request a written refunds policy.
- If it is important to you, ask for any accreditation or insurance certificates.
- Keep a record of any payments you make.