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Summer Yoga 24 June - 1 July

Advanced Macrobiotic Course

Macrobiotic Intensive Training


On demand,

If you need intensive macrobiotic training: cooking, medicinal cooking, shiatsu and treatments, personal yoga classes, please contact us.

We offer intensive training and shiatsu for private persons, companies, schools and institutions. We have worked in Belgium, Holland and are currently overlooking projects in France and in Abu Dhabi.

We have rooms in the house, a gypsywagon in the garden and beautiful B&B's  nearby for longer stays

LANGUAGE: English, Dutch, French, German

DATES: On Demand

DURATION: one day to one month

COST: 200 to 400 euro per day

LOCATION: Westmalle or elsewhere, Belgium or at your place


Mieke Vervecken-Pieters

tel: + 323 309 17 02

www.denatuurlijkekookschool.beutiful B1

No prior experience needed