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7 Healthy Steps Before Pregnancy

7 Healthy Steps Before Pregnancy

A healthy pregnancy ideally begins at least six months before conception. Within the first three weeks, the major systems and the heart of the baby are forming before most women know they are pregnant. Our diet and lifestyle practices before the pregnancy set the tone during and afterwards as well. 

What happens in the womb is crucial for our overall health and longevity. While in the womb, we multiply in weight nearly three billion times, in comparison to the rest of our lives, which is about twenty times from when we’re born. Preparing for a healthy pregnancy is about creating alignment and communication between the parents. It’s also the beginning stage of communication between mother and baby. 

The pregnant woman a silhouette



7 Healthy Steps Before Pregnancy



Come to agreement.
—Before getting pregnant, decide together on the way of eating, parenting style, type of birth, and pregnancy you’d like to have. Having agreement beforehand minimizes the potential for conflicts that would affect both of the parents and the child. 


Keep and align regular eating, sleeping, and rising times.
—Regular meals and sleep times regulate all of the body’s systems, including our blood-sugar and hormonal system.
—This is especially important for the mother, but when both parents follow this practice, it is even more beneficial.

Eat at least one meal every day together without doing other things.
—Through sharing food and conversation, we reconnect and realign with our food and each other. 

Diet and Activity

Minimize extremes in diet, activity, and stressful situations.

Be active and create a good balance between physical and mental activity.
—Have a practice such as yoga, tai chi, and qi gong helps with strength and flexibility.

Base diet around grains, beans, vegetables, seeds, nuts, and fruits.
—These foods naturally create strength and flexibility, as well as provide balanced nourishment.
—Minimize or avoid tropical foods, hard-baked goods (crackers, chips), iced beverages, sugary foods, and heavy spices as they may interfere with fertility.

Include naturally pickled and fermented foods.
—These foods increase fertility, good digestion, and promote health and life.

Although these steps are geared towards creating a foundation for a healthy pregnancy, these steps are beneficial for the overall health of any couple. For more details about regular, healthy eating and lifestyle practices, see “The Complete Macrobiotic Diet.” You can also call 1-215-271-1858 to find out how Denny can help you prepare for a healthy pregnancy, or to request an appointment.